November 12, 2012
"O my God Poppi! O My Butch Muscle God! OMBMG! So Big and so Strong! So Super Powerful, Precise and Ass Popping Penetrating! So Magically Masculine! My tight squeeze, Ur Godly Grip and Awesome Thrusts, breaking my voice the way U hold me and Slam It All the Way In! So Many Stars my Macho Fucker brings down! So Sweet, so Aggressive! So Rip Snorting Rough, so Deeeply Dominant! Ur Big, Bright, Bearded, Beautifully Butch Smile shining down on me, warming me up to have Ur way with me, taking total control to please U Even More! OMBMG - I can only look up at U in sweet, helpless awe and adoration! OMBMG!"